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Panama Canal awards dredging contract

Author: Posttime:2010-06-10 08:29:16
The Panama Canal Authority (ACP) has awarded the multi-million dollar Gatun Lake dredging contract to the Belgium company Dredging International N.V.

Dredging International - which has been engaged in dredging works on the River Scheldt since 1894 - was not only the lowest bidder at USD39.9 million for the works, but also convinced ACP of its competence.

'The ACP has partnered with Dredging International N.V. in the past and we are confident in its proven expertise to deliver this important component of the Expansion Programme. Not only has the ACP benefited from a competitive price that is within the estimated budget, but it is also assured of an effective, high quality execution,' said ACP's executive of engineering and programme management, Jorge L. Quijano.

The primary element within the scope of work for this contract is to widen and deepen the existing navigational channel by dredging approximately 4.6 million cubic metres in the northern most reaches of the Lake. This contract is one component within the ACP's Fresh Water Dredging and Excavation Project for the Canal Expansion, which includes the dredging and/or excavation of about 30 million cubic metres in Gatun Lake and the Gaillard Cut (the narrowest stretch of the Canal).

The waterway is undertaking an USD5.25 billion expansion programme, stemmed for completion in 2014.

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